Green Velvet Sofa of Dreams | My DFS Bailey Sofa

Let me start by saying, I’m incredibly grateful for all the awesome experiences and offers I get from writing about my family and home. But, if I’m completely honest, free stuff doesn’t pay the bills, put chicken fajitas on the table or clad my children in Adidas as they desire. There’s only so much stuff we can fit in our house along with the 7 of us – so, a lot of “gifts” end up being re-gifted or on Ebay. When I initially got the email from DFS asking me to “pop to Milan” for design week, then style one of their sofas for my blog, my first thought was “Eeeeeekkkkkkk YASSSS!” but my second – we really don’t need another sofa, I’m happy with the ones we bought 4 months ago (from Ebay), but I suppose I could sell it for a few hundred quid after I’ve snapped it for the blog!

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Top Sofa Trends from Milan Design Week 2017 | With DFS

My inbox can be a dull place to hang out most of the time, then, like a rogue Jelly Tot lurking at the bottom of your handbag, a little wonder can appear. The email from the DFS HQ asking me to head over to Milan to garner some design inspiration and soak up the lastest interiors trends from Salone del mobile (Europe’s largest design exhibition) with their design team was one of those Jelly Tot discovering moments.

You might think going to Milan Design Week with hopes of returning with concepts suitable for a family home, is the equivalent of bumbling along to LFW to find a suitable outfit for the school run; but the DFS design team trot the globe to ensure their sofa collections offer the very latest in interiors trends, whilst using their years of experience to ensure their sofas are befitting of family life.

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Great British Sofa – DFS Britannia

It’s now less than 100 days until the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics and as Team GB are putting all their energy into ensuring we get the best medal count ever, there’s been an exciting launch much closer to home… DFS just unveiled their very own Team GB collaboration collection, aptly named Britannia.

It’s fair to say, that in recent years DFS, whilst being a family friendly choice for stain guarded sofas, they have also become synonymous with colour jammed, fast paced TV ads offering eternal free credit and endless bank holiday sales. But this was a far cry from the DFS I got to see a week ago when I they whisked me off for a couple of days (yes, first night away from Casper – ahhhh, sleep!!) for a behind the scenes trip to their home in Derbyshire! I was given a glimpse into one of their factories where skilled craftsmen, upholsterers and sewing machinists busily hand make each sofa to order – yup, no stock just sitting on shelves here!

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Accessory Du Jour: The Velvet Cushion

Need a quick fix for the sofa, bed or armchair – something current + massively on trend? You need look no further than the must-have soft furnishing accessory of 2015 – the velvet cushion!  They’re…

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