Family Car Journey | Nostalgia Lane – KFIS

Day 47 (and the last day) of the summer holidays: The kids have been piled in and out of the car on six separate occasions today to head to yet another fun filled activity. Each trip undoubtedly ends with “can we go home yet?” as the excitement wears off and they suss that I’ve again stung them with a cheap-skate trip to the beach or park. But isn’t that what summer holidays are about? Filling your days with wholesome, outdoorsy activities that feed your parents’ souls, make for cracking Instagram updates and will, eventually my little cherubs, make for joyous, nostalgic memories.

When I look back on my childhood, it was a much quieter one than my children are being subjected to. I was an only child with a small, close knit family – the kind that were civilised enough to venture on a nine hour, family car journey every summer to visit my aunt and uncle in Scotland, without feeling like all sanity might be lost by the time we hit the M25. It was on one of these mammoth escapades that my tale unfolded…

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Non-Competitive Craziness

Friday just gone saw the annual Fun Run at the boys’ primary school where for the past 5 years (and probably long before our boys attended) has been an obligatory, competitive, cross-country style race. First, second and third, in each year group were congratulated with medals and a certificate handed out in next week’s assembly to rapturous applause from their peers. The “fun” aspect came from the optional fancy dress, however, coming from a sporting (read: dangerously competitive) family our boys always opted out of the “fun” part, choosing instead to do their best to win an “actual medal”. Imagine their disgust this year. after 3 weeks of self-inflicted training, when the PTA email thudded into my inbox informing my mini-competitors that this year’s event wasn’t really a race – everyone would be given a medal for taking part and that they would have to drag a “buddy” from another year group round some shin-bruising obstacles!

Has the world gone mad?!?!

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Relaunch + Giveaway

So, the kids are back at school (or very nearly for some), it’s time to regain a little more sense of a mummy routine again – sigh! Yes, no more endless mornings of dressing gowns and cups of tea whilst we decide what to do for today’s entertainment – no, no – it’s out the door promptly at 8.35am – dressed (well kinda!) and ready to go for the day (again, kinda!!). It was a little while before the summer hols commenced that I finally thought it was time to make The Only Girl a little easier on the eye (that’s the site, not me!), so took myself on a “blogcation” to the breakfast bar and got cracking with this fab team to turn my blog into my tech haven, aaannndddd ta-da!

But what would an official re-launch be without some sort of goodie-bag or swag?! We all know we only really go to launches to get our mitts on the freebies – so this is no different. As a thank you for sticking with me throughout the baron, behind the scenes weeks with no new posts; as a well done for making it through the summer holidays; as a pick-me up to the not being able to laze on the sofa with the kids watching crap until 10am and as the goodie-bag to this re-launch (bonus, you didn’t even need to leave your house or put on fresh mascara) – I’ve got together with some of my favourite shops to bring you some loveliness!

So, let’s cut to the chase, as that’s why you’re really here – this is what you could win by heading over HERE!

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Let’s Have a Catch-Up

Hola my long lost friends! Fancy a quick catch-up over on The Only Girl? News on our upcoming giveaway and the things I’m loving this Summer hols (they might just get me through!!).

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