Aaaaand, BREATHE! Bloody hell, what a week – I made it with all children and pets in tact! There’s been so much happening over here at The Only Girl that I feel like I need to summarise it all – not only for your reading pleasure but also for my own sanity. I’ll keep it short with lots of pretty pictures and some worthwhile links…

Ooo, look at that swish invitation!
It all started last Friday when the shortlist for this years Amara Interior Blog Awards was announced and whoopeeee – I only f’ing made it! Don’t quite believe me (I wouldn’t blame you!) check out me and my other wonderful Best Newcomer girlies right HERE! Then take a peek at this ‘ere post for more info! Double excitement was my “day job” blog over on The French Bedroom Company had also been shortlisted for Best Organisation Blog – double whammy! Oh, let’s make that triple whoop as I then got the email through from the lovely gals over at Mumpreneur UK letting me know I’d been announced as one of their finalist in The Voice category for bloggers – well isn’t that nice! Thank you to any of you who took the time to vote & nominate me, it is truly appreciated!
I got to skip off to London to explore a little snippet of London Design Festival – check out my thoughts on trends right HERE.
Casper is all grown up – sitting up by himself and we had his first full night of sleep (no dummy back in or flipping over from his front!) – right through! Well done little bean! And Bruno would like you all to know he was man of the match on Saturday in his footie game!

Pink jewelled Alice band & Torti Bow Hair Clip – Anthropologie; The 52 Lists Project from Moorea Seal.
What week would be complete without some lovely goodies in my mailbox..
Plus, what a week on The Only Girl – for the first time I’ve moved up to 3 blogs in one week, phew I’m knackered and my house is a tip – but look at all the lovely blogs (hehe!)…
Here’s what I’m loving this week:
- With all these awards nights (and a few weddings coming up) I’ll be bagging one of these beauties to wear.
- I’m currently reading THIS – too hopeful?!?
- Yippee, these guys are heading to Brighton for one of their super workshops – I’m sure I’ll share my new skill with you soon.
- And if you haven’t already seen my latest obsession, check out this hot lady – I’m in love with all her lovely things!
Congratulations on all your awards and cute baby sleeping through the night. Mega accomplishments. Speaking of getting out once in awhile, I’m going to Design Chicago tomorrow. It’s my first conference and I’m super excited and the Novogratz will be there. Whoop!