Trend-Led Threads from John Lewis for 8-14 yr Olds

It’s no secret I’m a John Lewis obsessive. What’s not to love? I’ve lost many an hour perusing their swoon-worthy kitchenware, caressing their luxurious towel collection and drooling over their skincare ranges. Their staff are off-the-scale amazing – Sarah in the Horsham store intervened, with perfect timing, when my parenting was critised (by a fellow shopper) post-tantrum as I wouldn’t let Cas grapple the Wedgewood display. Bravo Sarah for spotting a speechless, teary mother in despair. And that, right there, epitomises everything that’s fabulous about the lot behind John Lewis – they just seem to know what it is you want/need.

With this in mind, it seems they recently read my mind. Trawling through their website one evening, having lusted over some tribal cushions and hankered the Hush collection, it dawned on me that John Lewis had considered everyone in my family except four of the loudest, most obvious members of the crew, the 8-14 year olds. That was until NOW!

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Easter Holiday Mumdrobe Must-Haves from Fat Face

Ok, so I think it’s pretty safe to assume that as the Easter holidays approached, 2-4 weeks with your little darlings laying ahead of you like a gauntlet of bank balance hating activities and continuous feeding, you didn’t stop to worry about what clobber you might don in these parentally stressful times. But I’m always up for shoe-horning a bit of retail therapy into even the most tenuous of excuses, so bear with me.

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My Melrose Mac | Mumdrobe Must-Have #1 with FatFace

It’s not often I whoop and holler in excitement at a brightly coloured object – partly because, as a toddler mum, they usually come with flashing lights and an incredibly irritating tune. But the moment I set eyes on my Melrose Mac at Fatface HQ it was love at first sight. As a mum of footballing boys, until this season, I’ve been remarkably ill equipped on the waterproofs front, so it’s no understatement to say my new canary hued friend has been a game changer.

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Lazy Days with FatFace | Ad

Ermahgerd – it’s December! Where did that come from? It means for the next three weeks our weekends are filled with ice-skating, winter fairs, Santa’s grottos and yes, even more chilly morning football matches. So yesterday, when we had a rare football-free day, we relished the opportunity to drink bucket loads of hot choc, light the fire, snuggle under our duvets and open our box of FatFace goodies to get involved with our new Pjs and festive onsies.

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My Mum Holiday Wardrobe

The count down to our first ever family holiday has begun. In 3 weeks the brave crew over at Thomson Holidays will be jetting all 5 boys and us grown-ups to sunnier climes. So, this week saw me traipse into town (Brighton if I’m being precise), baby and mother in tow in search of the perfect mum garb for our jaunt to a warmer location/summer 2016. I’d tried and failed with my usually reliable online shopping, perhaps as I had quite specific requirements from my new, more revealing wardrobe…

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