With only a couple of, what will no doubt feel endless, weeks until the bump pops I have increasingly found my Pinterest feed filling with idyllic imagery of the perfect nursery + boy there some lovely (needless to say untouched + still pristine) baby spaces to be had. Unfortunately, the harsh reality of this being our 5th boy (maiden joint-venture), with a home already filled to the brim with little angels (read grouchy, grunting gannets aged 7-12) + the fact that work is a pleasant escape – so will be continuing until the moment bubba makes his appearance, all means that until completely necessary, at around 4-6 months, little bundle will not be graced with his own private quarters! Instead, our little one will share a corner of his parents’ bedroom with a drawer or two to call his own. By this point you may considering sponsoring our poor 5th child, however, rest assured he is not only much anticipated + already loved, but has a whole loada of goodies to prove it – predominantly in monochrome tones, as that really seems to be the scheme du jour for little ones!
Monochrome nursery wishlist items would include…

1. Sugar Skull Mobile 2. Polygon Pear Pendent 3. Grey Cloud Blanket 4. Ombre Light String 5. Hello Bunny Cushion6. Stripe TiPi 7. Black Mushroom Lamp 8. Print 9. Soft Whale 10. Star Rug 11. Cross Cushions
Taking it’s parred back simplicity + design aesthetic from the Scandinavians (let’s face it, they do family homes pretty well), black and white themed childrens’ rooms are not only parent friendly spaces as it pleases our anti-brightly-coloured-plastic minds, but are also a perfect unisex option for sharers and, some believe (there are always skeptics to every theory), offers scientific benefits – as newborns see in black, white and shades of grey for the first four months, so by decorating their surroundings in monochrome tones is thought be more visually stimulating in the early stages of their development.
Here’s just a snippet of some of the monochromatic marvelousness that I’ve found and will be implementing in the little man’s room…
As I’m sure you can imagine, there is most certainly a sequel to this post when I will be revealing the little man’s nursery but, there’s a little pushing + sleepless nights to come beforehand!
This is so gorgeous. I’m currently adding monochrome bits and bobs to our master bedroom – lots of ideas here thanks! ๐
KarenAnita x
Love all of these … great collection.
Thanks Alice – great blog btw, really great stuff especially on helping the lo’s when they get angry! x
Thanks, I love these ideas!