Interior Trend: Family Friendly Marble

I’m super lucky that as part of my “day job”, that’s when I’m not being a mum, girlfriend, cleaner…. I get sent off to fantastical interiors shows, jammed packed with inspiration, trends, creative bods, ideas etc – however, one thing that quite often strikes me is that not many of the wonders I lay my eyes on are for the family home. Or maybe, that’s just at first glance?! I’ve come to the conclusion that there are family friendly, practical and beautiful items to be had, just not all on one stand and not in that particular context – after all, who would want to make a mother’s life easy right? It’s a bit like attending London Fashion Week and hoping to find something suitable for the school run – it’s about seeing what parts of the trend you like and making it work for your needs.

On a recent trip (yes, they very occasionally let me out!) I ventured to the mecca of interior and home designs for those in the know – London Design Week (LDF); one week in the year, when the hip, hot and down-right cool of the interiors world descend upon our capital to see what the designers, makers, creators and artisans have to offer for the coming seasons. A trend that we’ve seen time and time again in recent years, and shows no sign of waning is… Marble. Whether it’s being paired with inky blues or blush pinks, copper or brass, this hard wearing material wants to make its way into our homes whether we like it or not. “Oh, but that’s not a kid friendly material” I hear you cry – oh, but it can be. I’m a firm believer in just because we have chosen to bring little humans into this world and into our homes, our style and surroundings needn’t be compromised – the more you instill a sense of respect for their home, the more the wee ones might pay attention when you say – “don’t kick that ball at my Jonathon Adler vase”, or so the theory goes!

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The Truth Behind THAT Picture

It was only last week I was waxing lyrical about being real when it comes to being a mummy – how for every pic that makes it to my instagram feed there have been at least 10 almost identical images, just not quite so flattering. With 5 boys in tow from 0-13 getting everyone in one frame, looking in roughly the same direction and without flipping the bird, is nothing short of a miracle . So, on these rare occasions I plaster that bloody pic everywhere in the same way a fashionista might brandish her black, snakeskin Berkin bag she found in a charity shop for £4.99! Yes, that’s how I feel about the wonder of a picture featuring all 5 boys, in some semblance of “acceptable” – like I’ve stumbled across a £30k bag for a couple of quid!

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Mamas: Nobody’s Perfect

A tale of being supportive, loving and open with other mamas in the tribe! We’re all in it together – let’s keep it real!

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To My Baby With His First Cold.

Dear my gorgeous 5 month baby boy with his first cold,

I know you’ve been feeling pretty grotty these past 4 days and you’re probably wondering why your lovely, little, healthy world has turned upside down so that you can’t sleep, it hurts to eat and mummy’s cuddles have never felt so good. The nastiness you’ve started to feel is what we call a cold; there is no cure and the only answer we are given is: ride it out! I want you to know, as your mummy, I wish, so very much I could take all the awfulness you’re feeling right now away but rest assured it won’t last long.

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The Extension, Part 1: Planning & Inspiration

So, it’s no secret that we have a shed load’a kids (5 boys between us, in case you hadn’t been keeping up!), and with that many small peeps hanging around comes a requirement for space – lots of it! When we first decided it was a fab idea to get our two families and make one big mega-family, we each moved out of our relatively normal 3 bed homes (renting them out in the meantime) into one super-sized 5 bedder (rental). Whilst living with an abundance of space has been fun (and a bugger to clean!) paying copious amounts of rent each month is not so much fun – especially when we have our own houses just down the road! So, we’re moving back – oh, but we’re adding on a whacking great extension in the process!! THAT’s the fun part!!

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