Home ยป Bedside Story: “Hey Natalie Jean” Book Review

Bedside Story: “Hey Natalie Jean” Book Review

Okay, so I’ll admit: I’m not the biggest reader. In fact, at school I was always the one winging it in English from what I was able to glean from the then limited internet, + if I was lucky the film, in a bid to convince my zealous teacher that yes, like my more diligent classmates, I too had poured over the pages of the most recent required novel!

To this day I’m not sure if it was the fact I was being told to read a particular title not chosen by myself; I was more interested in perfecting my art homework; I was putting a lot of my should’ve-been-reading-time into boys + socialising; or perhaps a combo of all the above!

Even in my adult life book reading has never come naturally. Blog reading, on the other hand is something that once I started I couldn’t stop… I finally found a medium I was into; I’m pretty sure this was partly due to the pretty pics involved!

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

So, all in all, I’m as shocked as you are that I’m writing a book review, but taking all the above into account I’ve finally found my book genre… Blogger books, amalgamating my love of blogs, pretty pics and being nosy into people’s homes and lives!

Courtesy of Amazon’s marvelous + financially dangerous “other people bought…” feature I came across a recently released publication by (I now know to be) a thoroughly down-to-earth NY mum of one, wife, interior lover called Natalie Jean (Holbrook), the one woman force behind the blog + book titled Hey Natalie Jean.

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

I was instantly drawn to the muted + classic looking cover with a simple picture of Natalie holding aloft her son- I think being a mum of boys (lots of them) makes you immediately magnetised + in awe of all others in the same boat.

My two fave reads this month!

My two fave reads this month!

Natalie’s musings on life in general, from finding the most kid friendly toilets in NY to dealing with her grandmothers dementia are 100% real – all with a witty tone coupled with a sincere devotion to those around her.  Reading her book has reminded me to appreciate the little things that make me warm + fuzzy inside: tidying up the house once the kids have gone to school, long chats with the family matriarch + the marvel of white t-shirts!

Contained is simple to follow advice on a wide range of subjects – she shares the secrets to her successful marriage, how to not let false eyelashes defeat you, go-to items every home needs to be a home, along with many other golden nuggets of wisdom on life in general.

The images which are scattered throughout the pages of this book are nostalgic, make you feel like one of the family + beautifully bohemian.

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

Credit: Hey Natalie Jean

This is one of those books I wish I hadn’t read yet so I could do it all over again!

Get your copy over on Amazon now!


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