Home » Mundanity Is My Sanity – And Yours Too It Seems

Mundanity Is My Sanity – And Yours Too It Seems

mum of boys Jess Warner

Stuck in a rut + over thinking + comparison’s a twat-waffle = I need to put on my big girl knickers and remember why I’m here sometimes!

Motherhood isn’t about reinventing the bloody wheel. It’s about picking at the leftovers on taco Tuesday, signing 13 forms before breakfast, trying to find the other red football sock and shouting “because I said so!” 47 times a day.

But when the little voices in my head have had one too many blue smarties, I start to wonder why anyone would want to see my mundanity – surely everyone’s going to realise I’m ‘just like them’ and move onto watching someone far more aspirational, shujjed-up and at least got their shiz together?! Then I remember, it’s because I am ‘just like ‘them’, it’s probably ‘cos I haven’t got my shiz together and we’re all living the mundanity. And in the mundanity is my sanity.

Not sure where I’m going with this one, maybe it’s down to some planet in retrograde, the darker evenings or not having an Eccles cake today (an Eccles cake a day keeps the grumpies away), but I guess I’m trying to say “thank you” for hanging in here with me while we pick up the skiddy-pants, take the cuddles where I can get ‘em and ride the hormonal grunts of “leave me alone”s.

I won’t try to invent this mothering-wheel, but the least I can do is making the going round and round on it a little less bumpy, a little more funny and a lot more “me too”!


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