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Don’t Forget The Kids | Fatface Kids Range Now from 2-3 Years {Sponsored}

I originally started blogging as a way of, as cheesy as it sounds, connecting with other mums. I’d been so lonely in 2006/2007 as a mum of two under two – with no one saying, “you’re not alone” or “me too”. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine working with brands that I love, not just once, but building a relationship over years with not just the “brand” but the people behind it. It’s been amazing to work with Fatface since 2016 – sharing their finest grey knits, summer must-haves and ‘mumdrobe’ essentials with you, as I truly love them, and it turns out, you do too!!

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What I’m Cooking & They’re Eating: One Pot Pizza Pasta | Cheesy Tomato Orzo Recipe

I’ve been asked a few times what I feed our rabble of 5 boys; do I have a menu plan? Do they all eat the same thing? The answers are whatever they eat; some weeks if I get my shiz together and NO! We have fussy ones, stubborn ones and I’ll-eat-anything-as-long-as-there’s-lots-of-it ones. But call me a blind optimist or naively hopeful, I persevere and occasionally hit culinary gold with an all-round winner.

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One Step Mum Forward, Two Step Sons Back

I had another blog post scheduled for today, but sometimes it’s the day to day minutia that create the most important message – today, I felt was one of those days. Normally the reserve of an Instagram post, I’ve decided to start giving some of my more War & Peace style captions their own space – where they can be found, referenced to and just make someone (even if it’s just me) feel a bit better when the shit hits the familial fan.

It was a mere week ago, Mother’s Day, that I wrote of the magic (and tribulations) of being a step-mum – I often feel a responsibility to round-off my honesty with a dose of hope, to bring my ramblings full circle – ‘sure it’s shit, but it’s shit for everyone and we’ve got this!’ It’s almost a bad habit. And last week I did exactly that with THIS post. Well, in the essence of honest balance I’ll willingly admit today, being a step-mum, was really pretty shit, and that alone.

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Get The Look | Messy Bob Hair Tutorial Video

I’m never going to be a beauty blogger, or even moonlight as such – I can only imagine I’d look like a daft, paint-by numbers picture should I attempt contouring, I’m yet to understand the purpose of a serum and I’ve never owned a foundation. But thanks to my beauty queen roots and loathing of my own flat, straight hair, I seem to have mastered big, bouncy hair. I don’t mind admitting to being somewhat of a whizz with a curly brush – although, apparently it’s not a listable talent when competing in aforementioned beauty pageants!

I get a lot of questions asking how to get my voluminous, messy barnet – so, why not share with you my tips and tricks to getting a lank, Cheerio encrusted, mum-do somewhere towards Cindy Crawford circa 1992, in less than 10 minutes.

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The Only Girl Guide #3 – The Unplugged Edit – Books, Audio Books, Podcasts and More

It might seem paradoxical at best, hypocritical at worst, for someone that makes a (meagre, supplementary) living from the online, plugged-in world to be harping on about what’s keeping me off the web! But in the post-Christmas-gooch, dare I say it, I just got a bit bored of scrolling, staring, lurking and double-clicking.  I’ve been craving tangible, wholesome goodness, something that doesn’t succumb to an algorithm – real books, actual newspapers, Sunday supplements and good TV dramas – so, have made it my, erm, perhaps ‘mission’ is a bit egocentric, my…. ‘goal’ for 2018 to enjoy these non-digital pursuits a little more and share them with you!

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